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The National Society of Accountants Technology Committee

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  1. Jarvis F. Windom, Chair, 64 Gilcrest, Wheatland, WY 82201, phone: 307-322-3433, fax: 307-322-3333, email: wcgm@aol.com
  2. Corey Linton, committee member and advisor, Marketing Manager, Small Business Group, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, phone: 425-703-8542, fax: 425-936-7329, email: coryl@microsoft.com, website: http://www.microsoft.com/smallbiz
  3. Robert R. Hawkins, Past Vice Chair, phone: 504-455-3300, fax: 504-454-0535, email: mohawk@i-way.net
  4. Pauline Becker, Senior Governor Liason to Committee, phone: 808-923-5219, fax: 808-926-9537, email: BeckerPS@aol.com
  5. Tawn A. Rose, committee member, phone: 405-275-3100, fax: 405-275-3101, email: trose@cpasoftwarenews.com, tawn@ezin.net
  6. Vern H. Smith, phone: 304-522-1040, fax: 304-522-1041, email: taxman86@aol.com
  7. Ronald E. Van Cleef, ex-committee member, phone:503-646-6582, fax:503-350-0729, email:
  8. Brice Dawley, Staff Representative, phone: 703-549-6400 x1307, fax: 703-549-2984, email:neogeo@ami.net
  9. Jeff Thurmond, Staff Representative, phone: 703-549-6400 x1303, fax: 703-549-2984, email:thurmond@wizard.net
  10. Al Giovetti, 1997 Vice-Chair, phone: 410-747-0396, fax: 410-747-6357, email: wizards@charm.net
  11. Roy Frick, Governor Liason, phone: 410-289-7757, fax: 410-289-0207, email: rf1810@aol.com
  12. Kimberly Lippencott, National Public Accountant Submissions Editor, email: nsamrkt@wizard.net
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