Torian's Passage Walkthrough


By Al Giovetti
Lead Artist:

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Torian's Passage Walkthrough

by Brian D


  1. Patch
  2. Introduction
  3. Torin's Passage Chapter 1 "The Lands Above"
  4. Torin's Passage Chapter 2 "Escarpa"
  5. Chapter 3 "Pergola"
  6. Chapter 4 "Asthenia"
  7. Chapter 5 "Tenebous"
  8. Chapter 6
  9. References
  10. Letters


    WARNING The CD requires a patch TORINPAT.EXE 21-12-95 from Sierra BBS or WWW site to prevent crashing halfway through Chapter 1 "The Lands Above" (no save/restore) (I hope that Sierra sacked all the Beta Testers....)

    Torin's Passage Chapter 1 "The Lands Above"

  1. go North to old home
  2. get rope, axe, pouch and inchworm from basket
  3. return to start ("T" junction)
  4. go right to the guardhouse
  5. read sign to right of door
  6. use axe on large crystal
  7. keep talking to guardsman (he wants berry juice to start a meal)
  8. go back to T junction
  9. get berries just to the right
  10. give berries to guardsman (he now wants slugetti and peat balls - slugs and peat moss)


  11. leave guardhouse, and at first path go North to tree
  12. go to lower branch and look at peat bog
  13. climb to top branch , tie one end of rope to branch, and
  14. the other end to feet
  15. get peat moss
  16. start Torin swinging by clicking to right, until he graps
  17. tree stump (Boogle retrieves Torin's bag)
  18. return to main path


  19. go left, looking for snails near tree root
  20. talk to Slim and Slime
  21. they want a large leaf
  22. return to main path
  23. go to black tree with slugs on it
  24. go North between the two trees with razor sharp spines
  25. use inchworm to measure the largest leaf
  26. give leaf to Slim and Slime
  27. go left to T junction
  28. go South to Crystal City
  29. talk to guard Zax (fall in the moat for fun...)
  30. use Slim and Slime on moat (Torin gets moat slime)
  31. return to slugs on black tree
  32. use slime on tree
  33. use Boogle's box ability (walk right to get slugs down) (view "a mess of slugs" on Holographic Projector)
  34. give peat moss to quardsman (he wants root for desert)
  35. look at tree at top of path from guardhouse
  36. use axe on square-shaped root
  37. give root to quardsman
  38. get clear crystal shard from quardsman (you go into Phenocryst Chamber enroute to Chapter 2)


  39. go to top right
  40. use clear crystal shard in holes until all pillars retract (bowl on a stand will appear)
  41. use pouch on erresdy powder in bowl
  42. use pouch with powder on Torin (you go to Escarpa)

    Torin's Passage Chapter 2 "Escarpa"

  43. go up to cliff and get tile
  44. go left to door (meet the Bitternuts....)
  45. as soon as Boogle has got the yo-yo and shovel leave (you cannot get the tile off table yet)
  46. go down to washerwoman area
  47. get clothespin (peg)
  48. go down to cave on left
  49. enter dragon's cave and get tile at end
  50. use Boogle as a worm on left end of cave
  51. click Boogle lantern
  52. click Boogle shovel on dragon poo
  53. leave cave
  54. go down
  55. talk to Tripe and Viscera (2-headed vulture)
  56. after "dead meat flying by" is mentioned, leave
  57. go up to washerwoman area


  58. go up North East (not NW)
  59. go across bridge into King Rupert's throne room
  60. get hunk o' meat off table (note tile in floor but you cannot get it yet)
  61. look at crystal shard collection on ceiling
  62. click your blue crystal shard in hole (you get an invitation to the Royal Ball)
  63. keep talking until Di gives you a locket for Leenah
  64. return to washerwoman area
  65. go North West to Bitternuts
  66. give invitation to Mrs Bitternut
  67. get tile (trivet) off table
  68. go down to dragon cave area
  69. put hunk o' meat on ramp (vultures will fly off after it)
  70. go dowm and walk past nest
  71. go up to right
  72. jump gap (ignore skunks' cave meantime)
  73. go down to seraglio (harem)
  74. get carpet, pillow, fan and tile off table
  75. look at sign to right (get sign which is a "tile") (try ladder if you like...)
  76. return to skunks' cave
  77. talk to skunks (Sam and Max - LucasArts will not like it!)
  78. use peg on Torin's nose
  79. use carpet to exit at far end (TIP: click on fast forward)
  80. Click 3 times on Veder
  81. give cushion to Veder and get another tile
  82. return to harem
  83. manually scroll to lower area
  84. use smelly carpet on outside balcony
  85. use fan on carpet
  86. after women flee send Boogle down hole as a yo-yo
  87. get tile on wall
  88. leave and watch/listen to Boogle's performance
  89. return to washerwoman's area
  90. give "sign" to her to wash (you should have 8 tiles)
  91. go down to vulture nest
  92. manually scroll down and note tree
  93. use dragon poo on tree
  94. go down to tile altar
  95. leave tiles anywhere
  96. return to King Rupert's throne room (you now have a good reason for taking tile)
  97. get tile from floor
  98. return to tile altar
  99. solve puzzle....(HINT: it is an abstract face)
           U U U U    (4 "bangs" for hair)
            o   o     (eyes)
         ///=====\\\  (mouth is frowning: ends downturned)
             ---      (chin "dimple")
  100. go to Pergola

    Chapter 3 "Pergola"

  101. move slighty (go down hole)
  102. Click on Torin (tied up)
  103. follow Smetana
  104. talk to Leena
  105. show Vi's locket to Leena
  106. place locket in Holographic Projector and click on it to open (it contains pictures of King Rupert and Queen Di)
  107. click on Leena's left boot
  108. use knife on ropes (watch cutscenes)
  109. solve phenocryst puzzle (make each of the four lines contain Ostaries with matching characteristics)

    HINT: 4 have green hats 4 have blue cardigans (woollen jackets) 4 have purple habits 4 have red hats


  110. align the women on the left and men on the right (work it out , or bust!)
  111. the women must be aligned to sing an arpeggio in ascending order
  112. use the baton to make them sing together (you'll need a good ear for music?)
  113. when the women are correct, the left hand Phenocryst Chamber opens (this is a route back to Escarpa so may not be necessary..?)
  114. align the men, to sing an arpeggio in descending order....

    Hint: Middle C at left and Low C at right... (use hints for more info but in the end you have to work out the system or just keep trying....) the right hand Phenocryst Chamber opens when the men are correct

  115. use dust on Torin
  116. go to Asthenia

    Chapter 4 "Asthenia"

  117. open cabinet door
  118. get closed bottle
  119. put bottle on Holographic Projector
  120. click on bottle to open and reveal ammonia "wipes
  121. use wipe cloth on top of cabinet
  122. touch top to open door at top right
  123. go to right and look at floor plate showing a level see-saw (balance)
  124. go left and push button on top of TV
  125. move to right slightly, to catch stone cannonballs (get 4)
  126. go to right hand end of island to see-saw
  127. put 4 cannonballs in left hand end (equal to Torin's weight)
  128. go to right hand end of see-saw (it should be level to actuate a catapult in another area)
  129. take 1 cannoball out of see-saw (saves returning to TV)
  130. go to left of door to Phenocryst Chamber (site of floor plate)
  131. pull lever to set catapult (Torin's weight plus 1 cannonball in his inventory should get him to a spit of land, and not in the sea....)
  132. get in catapult
  133. use knife on rope to release catapult


    TIP: A series of small movements is best. Use manual scroll

  134. negotiate maze to top right where something is glinting
  135. get wrench
  136. return to bottom of maze, and by a different route, go to mountains at top right
  137. use wrench on valve of water jet
  138. go to cavern

    TIPS: Exit is at far left , at rear. Use + to speed-up walking. "Note whenever you enter a tunnel, you exit some other tunnel. There's no way to get lost here. (Confused, possibly. But lost? No!" ) Hint.

    NOTE:"Fate of Atlantis" music and Indiana Jones swinging down....


    HINT "You must jump on each and every stone ONCE and only ONCE, ending up on the far shore. If you do, the bridge will be down when you get there".

  139. Full route: Forward (F), Right (R), Left (L), Back (B). FLFFFRBBRBRFFLFRFRRLLLBLLLLLRRRRFFF JUMP TO SHORE (but be quick.....)
  140. go right to blue crystal/light puzzle

    HINT: "Note how each crystal affects the light beam by bending it the same angle every time light strikes it". "Get the beam of light to pass through LL the crystals on its way to the receptor on the right hand side of console".

  141. when portal opens, use dust on Torin
  142. go to Tenebous

    Chapter 5 "Tenebous" (Torin is unconscious)

  143. click on Boogle's first aid box
  144. use box on Torin (Boogle uses ammonia wipe)
  145. use knife on ventilator at top left
  146. go left through ventilator system (Torin "accidently" knocks the HELP menu)
  147. Torin is arrested
  148. talk to Mrs Plant
  149. look at silkworms on her roots
  150. pick dead dawburr flower
  151. go left to talk to tree until there's enough sap
  152. use dead dawburr flower on sap
  153. return to Mrs Plant's roots
  154. put sap on each leaf to catch the silkworms
  155. talk to Mrs Plant about the silkworms and what they can do
  156. return to tree and slippery slope
  157. click on slope area until grass says yea/yap/yes/okay/yo/yep/yeah

    (TIP: select "Closed Captioning" so you can read the words...

    (Torin's foot goes downward twice to find the next correct spot)

  158. go in amphitheater door
  159. at table next to door get tophat and cane
  160. watch archer and Bags Bunny
  161. get archer's bow
  162. speak to R.Kyvest (he'll give you an audcryst - recording - of Lycentia's voice and a crystcorder)
  163. view crystcorder in Holographic Projector
  164. put audcryst in top (play) slot and push button you'll hear Lycentia say, "You're not welcome here, you decrepit ol' creep!" (you'll need to edit this sentence later in the game....)
  165. go left and talk to Bags Bunny
  166. talk to carpenter
  167. talk to stage manager
  168. talk to acrobat (look at bag of rosin)
  169. talk to blind magician
  170. on shelf at rear get bagpipes (look at bagpipes in Projector and "play" by clicking...)

    NOTE: assortment of Sierra games music in vicinity of red curtain. e.g Phantasmagoria choral theme KQ VII finale Freddy Pharkus song

  171. give tophat to Bags Bunny
  172. pick up Bags in tophat
  173. get carpenter's saw (to left)
  174. give tophat (including Bags) to magician (magician wants a magic wand)
  175. use saw on cane
  176. give magic? wand to Zippy the magician (magician wants a silk kerchief)
  177. get poster off wall
  178. use silkworms on poster (instant silk kerchief..)
  179. give kerchief to Zippy (Zippy gives Torin "Magic for Dummies" - Large Print Edition)
  180. use bow on saw (slipping)
  181. get bag of rosin near acrobats couch when they depart
  182. use rosin on bow
  183. when called by stage manager go to stage via edge of red curtain
  184. use bow with saw (Torin ends up in the null void)
  185. (use manual scrolling, and note stairs and porch of Lycentia's lair to the right and down)
  186. use bagpipes for propulsion by clicking on NSEW buttons
  187. go inward to Lycentia's lair (to go IN/OUT use center buttons) (you'll be greeted by a big burst of bagpipe music when you arrive)


  188. view crystcorder in Projector.(audcryst was broken into pieces when you were arrested)
  189. remove all broken pieces and put in lower slot
  190. select the pieces which give a message "d", "reep!", "comeh" and
  191. "ere". ("Dreep! come here")
  192. play this sentence continuously
  193. move away from porch back to null void
  194. "throw" crystcorder into void
  195. return to porch (one bagpipe "puff" to right should do it)
  196. push doorbell
  197. quickly move up to "underneath' porch to hide from Dreep (Dreep opens the door and goes off looking for voice in void)
  198. enter Lycentia's lair
  199. use magic book on Lycentia
  200. touch Lycentia's collar
  201. jump onto edge of bubbling pit
  202. use magic book on Pecand (watch cutscene to end)

    End of walkthrough. (Did you get 999 points?)

    The end



  1. From: Ivy Chen Hi: I cannot open the links to walkthrough of Torin's Passage and Sherlock Holmes-The case of the Rose Tattoo.Do I need a pin to enter into these two sites? Thanks for help! Ivy

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