By Al Giovetti


Global Mac Games and Jason Carter

Jason Carter has just notified us that Global Mac Games has just opened on the Net. Jason Carter is the Webmaster of Global Mac Games. Jason Carter can be reached for comment on the Global Mac Games site at http://www.nuviewstudios.com/gmg/

Global Mac Games is a site dedicated to the Macintosh Internet Gamer. The site is the biggest gamer's league on the Net. Within the site are 11 game ladders that include many features such as fully controlable Clans/Groups areas, Live Web Chat rooms, Game Trackers, Message Boards, Game News, Players Rankings, Searchable Players Databases, Tournaments, Voting Areas, and War Stories. The site will continue to grow by including every Mac Net playable game that comes out in the way of a Ladder with all the same features as the rest of the site. The site will ever be improving to include new and improved features. The sites game ladders now currently include Avara, Bolo, Command & Conquer, DomeWars, Duke Nukem 3D, Monopoly, NetMech, Netris, Warcraft 1 & 2, and WWII Skyfighters. about 12 more games are planned to be added still this year. You can check out Global Mac Games at http://www.nuviewstudios.com/gmg/

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