By Al Giovetti
Lead Artist:
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Twisted Metal 3 Cheats
Type the following cheats to achieve the desired result.
Please check out our cheats definitions, hints, and instructions at this location.
- PSX Cheat Codes
Twisted Metal 3 Cheat Codes for PSX: from Cory
- God mode-L1,square,X,R1,start
- Homing Rain missles-up,down,up,down,up
- unlimited ammo-L1,L1,R1,R1,R1
- To be minion-right,right,left,left,left
- To be sweettooth-left,left,right,right,right
- 99 Freeze missles in weapon invetory-triangle,up,
- circle,right,start(they look just like power missles)
- Giant ricochet bombs-left,right,left,right,up
- smart seekers-triangle,left,down,right,up
- massive force-triangle,circle,down,left,up
- Unlimited specials-L1,L1,R1,R1,R1
- Enhanced weapons-R1,R1,L1,L1,L1
- CPU ignoeres health charge-ups-down,L1,down,start, triangle
- Warehouse-square,square,square,left,left
- Arena-up,up,up,left,left
- Club kid's house-left,left,square,square
- Homing Rain missiles up,down,up,down,up
- Music
To listen to the songs and sounds from the game put the cd in a regular audio cd player and skip to ttrack #2. Enjoy!
- Save Game Settings
To activate the memory card in Twisted Metal 3 go to the password screen and enter start 5 times. Set all your settings how you like them and begin a game.
Just before the game begins you will be prompted to save.
- Arena
In the password screen type Square, Square, Square, Left, Left it will go back to the main menu as though nothing happened. Now go to deathmatch,
select a car and any stage. You will automatically start in the arena.
- Warehouse
In the password screen type Up, Up, Up, Left, Left it will go back to the main menu as though nothing happened. Now go todeathmatch, select a car and
any stage. You will automatically start in the warehouse.
- North Pole
Lightning - Go to the teleporter on the upper level and you will be teleported to Santa's place, destroy his house and you will find the lightning bolt. Try to
lure everyone into the pit or Santa's place, the get to the far end of the stage and use the lightning bolt.
- Hangar 18
Spaceship - Go to the raised level outside of the arena and travel around until you find a large area with a red light on the front wall, shoot the light and
continue around the outside until all of the red lights are gone (4 in total). Find the road on the lower arena and head into the ship into the teleporter. Once up top
look for the other portal. When you go through the portal you will be on top of the UFO. Destroy the dome and grab the spaceship. Only use it while on top of the
- Hidden Portal - As you drive around looking for the red lights you may notice a crack in one the the tiles in the corner by one of the red lights in a blue area.
Destroy the tile to reveal the portal. When you go through the protal you'll find some weapons.
8 Specials - While on top of the UFO you'll see a flying UFO shoot it down and you'll get 8 specials.
- Egypt
Lightning - Go to the temple at one of the far ends of the stage and blow open the entrance. Head down the tunnel into the main room and destroy the pillar
in the center and grab the lightning bolt. Try to lure everyone into the temple, get out and use it. The Lightning bolt will only effect those in the temple.
- Eve - Go to the pyramid at the far end of the stage and destroy the pillar in front of it, revealing an underground passage. Go through the tunnel and into a
room with a coffin. Destroy the coffin and go through the portal. You will be on top of the pyramid now, grab the rotating pyramid-shaped item. Lay one near an
enemy like you would with the TNT, run away and detonate it.
Levels Passwords
Washington D.C. |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |R1, R1, Select, Down |Left, Select, Circle, R2, Up
- Axel |L1, Square, Triangle, Right, Up |Square, Square, L1, R2, Left
- Club Kid |Down, X, Up, Right, Down
- Firestarter |Left, R2, Select, L1, Up |Circle, Triangle, Circle, Right, Circle
- Flower Power |Right, R1, Left, Circle, Up
- Hammerhead |Start, Left, L1, Right, Down
- Minion |Up, Start, Down, L1, Square
- Mr. Grim |Down, Down, Start, R2, Circle |Triangle, R2, R2, X, X
- Outlaw |Triangle, Select, Down, Circle, L1 |Up, X, Triangle, Square, Down
- Roadkill |R2, Start, L2, L2, Circle
- Spectre |Up, Triangle, Down, Right, L1 |Up, Triangle, Left, Circle, Triangle
- Thumper |R2, Triangle, Left, Down, L2 |Square, X, Right, Triangle, L1
- Warthog |Left, Circle, X, L2, R2
Hangar 18 |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |X, Start, X, Up, L1 |L1, L2, L1, Triangle, R2
- Axel |Left, Start, Triangle, R1, Square
- Club Kid |R2, Right, Circle, L2, L1
- Firestarter |L1, R2, X, Left, Down |Select, Up, Left, Up, R2
- Flower Power |L2, Select, Select, Left, L1
- Hammerhead |Down, Square, Up, L2, Right
- Minion |Left, R1, Select, Circle, Left
- Mr. Grim |R2, X, Triangle, Down, Right |Square, L1, Triangle, Down, Start
- Outlaw |Square, L1, R2, R2, Square |Right, Triangle, Left, Select, Start
- Roadkill |Triangle, R1, Triangle, Up, X
- Spectre |Left, Up, Square, R1, X |Up, R2, L1, L2, Select
- Thumper |Down, X, Select, X, Triangle
- Warthog |L1, Right, L2, R1, Triangle
North Pole |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |Select, R1, Left, Left, X |Circle, Select, Start, Up, Select
- Axel |X, Triangle, Square, R2, X |Up, Square, Triangle, Start, Square
- Club Kid |Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, X
- Firestarter |Circle, R2, R1, R1, R2 |Start, Triangle, Select, L2, Circle
- Flower Power |L1, L1, L1, Up, R1
- Hammerhead |R2, Left, Circle, Triangle, R2
- Minion |L1, Start, R2, Down, Triangle
- Mr. Grim |Triangle, Down, Right, R2, R2 |R2, Start, Select, L1, L2
- Outlaw |Start, Circle, Right, Up, L2 |L2, Up, Select, Start, Down
- Roadkill |Square, Start, L1, Square, Right
- Spectre |L1, Triangle, L2, X, L2 |Left, Up, R1, Up, Circle
- Thumper |Right, X, Left, Start, Circle
- Warthog |Circle, Triangle, Square, Select, L1
London |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |Right, Right, R1, R1, Right |Select, L2, Triangle, L2, Up
- Axel |Up, L2, Circle, Square, L1 |Left, Left, Up, Start, Start
- Club Kid |Square, Right, Square, Square, Up
- Firestarter |Select, R1, Right, Square, Select |Down, Start, R2, R1, Select
- Flower Power |Circle, Start, Left, Square, Up
- Hammerhead |Triangle, Square, Down, Square, Circle
- Minion |Circle, R1, Triangle, L1, R2
- Mr. Grim |X, X, Square, Circle, Circle |Right, Select, Triangle, Start, X
- Outlaw |Up, R2, Triangle, Select, R2 |R1, Triangle, L1, Left, L1
- Roadkill |L1, Start, Start, R2, X
- Spectre |Circle, Up, Left, Circle, Start |L1, R2, Circle, Square, L2
- Thumper |L2, Down, Select, Left, Right
- Warthog |Select, Up, L1, Up, Square
Tokyo |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |Down, R1, L1, X, Right |Start, Select, Right, R1, L2
- Axel |Up, Triangle, Select, Right, Up |L1, X, Square, Left, Left
- Club Kid |Circle, R2, Start, Right, R2
- Firestarter |Start, R2, Right, L2, Start |R2, R1, Square, Up, Square
- Flower Power |Select, L1, Triangle, R1, Start
- Hammerhead |Square, Left, Square, Start, L1
- Minion |Select, Start, R1, L2, X
- Mr. Grim |Down, L2, Select, Select, Right |L2, L1, Down, Left, X
- Outlaw |Left, Right, Up, Circle, X |X, Up, Start, L1, X
- Roadkill |Right, Triangle, Down, Circle, Start
- Spectre |Select, R1, R1, Right, R2 |Triangle, Down, Triangle, R1, Circle
- Thumper |R1, X, R2, L1, L2
- Warthog |Triangle, Start, Down, L2, Up
Egypt |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |R2, Start, R2, Right, Right |Down, L2, X, Square, Triangle
- Axel |Left, Up, L1, Up, R2 |Circle, Down, L2, L1, R1
- Club Kid |Right, Right, Down, R2, X
- Firestarter |Down, Select, X, Triangle, Left |Triangle, Start, R1, L2, Down
- Flower Power |Start, Right, X, Left, X
- Hammerhead |Square, R2, Down, Up, Square
- Minion |Start, L1, Right, R1, R1
- Mr. Grim |Up, Circle, Up, Up, L1 |R1, Select, Square, L1, Down
- Outlaw |L1, R2, X, Left, Start |R1, Triangle, X, Square, X
- Roadkill |L2, L1, Down, L1, L2
- Spectre |Start, Start, Up, R2, Circle |Square, L2, Square, Down, Square
- Thumper |X, Right, Start, Circle, Circle
- Warthog |Right, Up, Triangle, R2, Triangle
Blimp |Twisted Metal Level |Pure Lunacy Level
- Auger |Triangle, L1, Triangle, Right, Circle |R2, Square, L2, Select, Start
- Axel |L1, R1, Up, Left, Circle |Select, X, X, X, R1
- Club Kid |Left, Triangle, R1, L1, Circle
- Firestarter |L2, L2, L1, Square, R1 |Square, R1, Right, Down, Triangle
- Flower Power |Select, Left, R1, R2, Left |Down, R2, X, R1, Up
- Hammerhead |Right, Down, L1, L2, Up
- Minion |Down, X, Square, Down, Select
- Mr. Grim |Left, Right, L1, Right, L2 |Circle, L2, L2, X, R2
- Outlaw |Circle, Left, R1, Up, L2 |Up, Start, Right, Down, Up
- Roadkill |R1, Square, Circle, Right Circle
- Spectre |Triangle, X, R1, Start, R2 |Select, R2, R2, Start, Right
- Thumper |Circle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Square
- Warthog |L2, Triangle, Down, Circle, Select
- Auger D.C X, Start, Left, Left, L2 Hangar 18 Up, Down, Triangle, L1, R1 North
Pole Left, X, Right, X, Square London L1, Right, X, Start, Left Tokyo Circle,
Circle, Left, Right, Left Egypt Select, Right, L2, L1, L1 Blimp Circle, L1,
Triangle, X, Down
- Axel D.C L2, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Start Hangar 18
R1, Up, Down, Down, L1 North Pole X, Triangle, Square,R2, X London Up, L2,
Circle, Square, L1 Tokyo Up, Triangle, Select, Right, Up Egypt Left, Up, L1,
Up, R2 Blimp L1, R1, Up, Left, Circle
- Club Kid D.C Select, R1, Down, X, Right
Hangar 18 Start, Start, Select, R2, X North Pole Right, R1, L2, Right,
Triangle London Select, Up, Circle, R1, Up Tokyo R1, L1, R1, Triangle, Up
Egypt X, Up, Select, L2, L1 Blimp L1, Circle, Start, Triangle, Left
- FireStarter D.C Left, R2, Square, L1, Up Hangar 18 L1, R2, X, Left, Down
North Pole Circle, R2, R1, R1, R2 London Select, R1, Right, Square, Select
Tokyo Start, R2, Right, L2, Start Egypt Down, Select, X, Triangle, Left Blimp
L2, L2, Left, Square, R1
- Flower Power D.C X, L2, R2, Down, R2 Hangar 18
Select, Start, L1, Down, X North Pole Up, L2, Triangle, Circle, L1 London
Left, Square, Right, X, L2 Tokyo L1, Left, X, Up, Circle Egypt Circle, Square,
Left, L2, Down Blimp Select, Left, R1, R2, Left
- Hammerhead D.C Circle, Right,
Circle, X, Select Hangar 18 Select, Circle, Down, Up, Square North Pole Start,
Up, Square, Right, L2 London Down, Triangle, L2, R2, R1 Tokyo R2, Up,
Triangle, Square, X Egypt Triangle, Triangle, R1, Select, Start Blimp Square,
Up, Up, Start, Left
- Minion D.C Up, Start, Down, L1, Square Hangar 18 Left,
R1, Select, Circle, Left North Pole L1, Start, R2, Down, Triangle London
Circle, R1, Up, L1, R2 Tokyo Select, Start, R1, L2, Up Egypt Start, L1, Right,
R1, R1 Blimp Down, X, Square, Down, Select
- Mr. Grimm D.C Down, Down, Start,
R2, Circle Hangar 18 R2, X, Triangle, Down, Right North Pole Triangle, Down,
Right, R2, R2 London X, X, Square, Circle, Circle Tokyo Down, L2, Select,
Select, Right Egypt Up, Circle, Up, Up, L1 Blimp Left, Right, L1, Left, L2
- Outlaw 3 D.C Triangle, Select, Down, Circle, L1 Hangar 18 Square, L1, R2, R2,
Square North Pole Start, Circle, Right, Up, L2 London Up, R2, Triangle,
Select, R2 Tokyo Left, Right, Up, Circle, X Egypt L1, R2, X, Left, Start Blimp
Circle, Left, R1, Up, L2
- Roadkill D.C Start, Select, L1, Triangle, L2 Hangar
18 Down, L2, Start, Right, Select North Pole R2, Select, Triangle, R2, Up
London Triangle, L2, Right, Triangle, L2 Tokyo Square, Select, Square, Select,
Triangle Egypt Left, L2, Start, Square, R1 Blimp Right, Square, Left, Start,
- Spectre D.C L1, Square, Up, X, R1 Hangar 18 Circle, Left, Circle,
Square, Square North Pole Select, X, Down, Right, Start London Start, Down,
Square, L2, Down Tokyo Down, X, L2, Triangle, L1 Egypt R2, Down, Square, X, Up
Blimp Triangle, X, R1, Start, R2
- Sweet Tooth D.C Circle, Circle, L1, L1,
Start Hangar 18 Right, Right, Down, Circle, X North Pole L2, Circle, Select,
Circle, L2 London R1, Right, R2, Up, Right Tokyo Circle, Up, L2, R2, Left
Egypt Select, Up, R1, R1, Circle Blimp Start, Triangle, Up, Square, L2
- Thumper D.C R2, Triangle, Left, Down,L2 Hangar 18 Triangle, Up, Select, R2,
Triangle North Pole Square, R1, R2, Circle, Select London Start, Start,
Select, Up, L1 Tokyo Right, R1, Triangle, Up, L2 Egypt L2, Start, Right, Left,
Triangle Blimp R1, R1, X, L1, Start
- Warthog D.C Select, L1, Left, Start, Left
Hangar 18 Start, L1, Right, R1, L2 North Pole Down, L1, Start, L2, Square
London R2, Triangle, Triangle, Start, Left Tokyo Triangle, R2, Right, Left
Egypt Square, Square, Start, L1, Triangle Blimp R2, L2, Down, X, Left
- Sphinx
surprise: Fire at the Sphinx face in the Egypt level for a special surprise.
- Blimp bonuses: After falling to the bottom level of the blimp, destroy the
boxes that are stacked on the ground. Hidden weapons and health icons are
hidden inside.
- Tokyo fan of death: Drive your car up to the big fan in the
Tokyo level and teeter on the edge. Then, wait for the other characters to
chase after you and let them fall into the fan and die. Quickly throw your car
in reverse and wreak further destruction.
- press L1 L1 R1 R1 R1 as a password,
go to new game with the settings how they normally are, select any player,
quit, go back to new game, choose anybody, and you should have unlimited
specials. The code lasts forever until you turn the playstation off. I hope
you liked this code.
- Hangar 18: Blow up all red levers on outer perimeter of
level. This will enable you to pass through the red lasers blocking the portal
in the middle of the level. This will bring you above the spaceship. Take the
left road and take another left and pass through the portal which will bring
you to the top of the spaceship. Blow up the white top and you will find a
very powerful weapon. Be sure that you stay on the very top of the spaceship
when you use it or else you will be damaged also.
- To get unlimited specials
at password put in L1, L1, R1, R1, R1. Then go to new game choose any
character. Then when you begin the game, quit it. Go back to new game and
choose your character(s) and when you begin the game you should have unlimited
- To beat the final battle you must shut down the regeneration or you
will have to keep playing unlimited enemies. To shut down regeneration you
must get the four levers in the level. This unlocks the barrier that covers
the 5th lever which is in the red room. Once the barrier is broken, you must
blow up the lever and this stops the regeneration.
- Enter these cheats at the
password place.
- World of ice: Up, up, x, x, up
- Kill all humans: L1, R1, L1,
R1, R1
Twisted Metal 3 Chat
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- From:
I need codes please for Twisted metal three
- From:
Here are some more codes for you but remember where you got them
Metal 3