SiN Cheats article by Al Giovetti


By Al Giovetti
Lead Artist:

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SiN Cheats

Type the following cheats to achieve the desired result.

Please check out our cheats definitions, hints, and instructions at this location.

  1. Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes: First press the ~ key (just like in Quake and Q2). Then enter the code:

  1. /health 999 - Health 999
  2. /wuss - All weapons
  3. /superfuzz - God mode
  4. /nocollision - No clip mode
  5. /wallflower - No target

    Likewise for the heligun (bind to different key).

  6. /spawn magnum - Gives the Magnum
  7. /spawn shotgun - Gives the Shotgun
  8. /spawn assaultrifle - Gives the Assaultrifle
  9. /spawn rocketlauncher - Gives the Rocketlauncher
  10. /spawn sniperrifle - Gives the Sniperrifle
  11. /spawn heligun - Gives the big gun from the chopper
  12. /spawn reactiveshields - Gives the ReactiveShield
  13. /spawn rockets - Gives Rockets
  14. /spawn coin - Gives a coin
  15. /spawn health - Gives a healthpack
  16. /spawn cookies - Gives a pack of cookies
  17. /spawn lensflare - Makes a light-effect

    Type in for two secret weapons:-

  18. Go to the console (Press ~) and type: "Give Thrallgun" bind it to an easily accessable key 'M' eg.
  19. Bind M "use thrallgun" (has two modes of fire)

    All are items that you can get via "/spawn " :

  20. ChainGun - chaingun (the one you get with the 5-key)
  21. BlueCard - blue Identcard
  22. OrangeCard - orange "
  23. YellowCard - yellow "
  24. GreenCard - green "
  25. IdentCard - ??
  26. Code - ??
  27. KeyRing - small key
  28. MoneyBag - bag from bank robbery
  29. Dollar - coin
  30. Evidence - papers with evidence
  31. Decoder - ??
  32. PulsePart1 - first part of Pulse Cannon
  33. PulsePart2 - second "
  34. PulsePart3 - third " (as soon as all three parts are picked up, the weapon is ready)
  35. Chemsuit - protection suit
  36. Blueprints - blueprints from constructionsite
  37. U4 sample - sample from chemplant
  38. Envelope -
  39. Silencer - silencer for standard gun


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