Heretic 2 Cheats article by Al Giovetti


By Al Giovetti
Lead Artist:

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Heretic 2 Cheats

Type the following cheats to achieve the desired result.

Please check out our cheats definitions, hints, and instructions at this location.

  1. Trainer for Unlimited Mana and Health
  2. Game Hack Table
  3. Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes: Note: To use these codes simply enter then in the console ('~' key toggles console)

  1. playbetter - god mode on/off (Toggle God Mode)
  2. twoweeks - powerup on/off ( Toggle Infinite Powerup)
  3. meatwagon - kill all non-boss monsters
  4. victor - kill all monsters (including BOSS)

    Other Codes:

  5. notarget Ignored by enemies
  6. aquaticape Toggles Notarget
  7. changelevel Level select
  8. give h (0-999) 0 - 999 health points
  9. god God mode
  10. noclip No clipping mode
  11. impulse 9 Weapons and mana
  12. impulse 10 Weapon select, full mana
  13. impulse 13 Lift object
  14. impulse 14 Transform into sheep
  15. impulse 25 Tome of Power
  16. impulse 32 Invisibility, boots, force cube, plus
  17. impulse 35 No monsters
  18. impulse 36 Freeze monsters
  19. impulse 39 Toggle flying
  20. impulse 40 Increase your level by one
  21. impulse 41 Increase experience points
  22. impulse 43 All weapons, mana, items
  23. impulse 171 Change to Paladin
  24. impulse 172 Change to Crusader
  25. impulse 173 Change to Necromancer
  26. impulse 174 Change to Assassin
  27. impulse 254 Display "King Of The Hill"
  28. angermonsters - monsters get angry
  29. crazymonsters - monsters out for blood (Crazy Monsters)
  30. kiwi - clipping on/off (Toggle No Clipping)
  31. showcoords - show coordinates
  32. weapprev - select previous weapon
  33. weapnext - select next weapon

    Item Spawn Code: (this is my favorite and most used code)

  34. spawn - create an item where is one of the following item names:
  35. item_weapon_firewall
  36. item_weapon_maceballs
  37. item_weapon_magicmissile
  38. item_weapon_phoenixbow
  39. item_weapon_redrain_bow
  40. item_weapon_sphereofannihilation
  41. item_defense_meteorbarrier
  42. item_defense_polymorph
  43. item_defense_powerup
  44. item_defense_ringofrepulsion
  45. item_defense_shield
  46. item_defense_teleport
  47. item_health_full
  48. item_health_half
  49. item_mana_combo_half
  50. item_mana_combo_quarter
  51. item_mana_defensive_full
  52. item_mana_defensive_half
  53. item_mana_offensive_full
  54. item_mana_offensive_half
  55. item_puzzle_canyonkey
  56. item_puzzle_cloudkey
  57. item_puzzle_cog
  58. item_puzzle_crystal
  59. item_puzzle_dungeonkey
  60. item_puzzle_highpriestesskey
  61. item_puzzle_highpriestesssymbol
  62. item_puzzle_hive2amulet
  63. item_puzzle_hive2gem
  64. item_puzzle_hive2spear
  65. item_puzzle_minecartwheel
  66. item_puzzle_ore
  67. item_puzzle_plazacontainer
  68. item_puzzle_potion
  69. item_puzzle_refinedore
  70. item_puzzle_shield
  71. item_puzzle_slumcontainer
  72. item_puzzle_tavernkey
  73. item_puzzle_tome
  74. item_puzzle_townkey

    Other/Untested Codes:

  75. suckitdown
  76. nextmonsterframe
  77. say_team
  78. say
  79. use
  80. kill
  81. config
  82. precache
  83. setenv
  84. savecfg
  85. rcon
  86. reconnect
  87. connect
  88. exit
  89. quit
  90. record
  91. changing
  92. snd_restart
  93. userinfo
  94. pingservers
  95. freezeworld
  96. autoweapon
  97. sc_framerate
  98. shownames
  99. showclamp
  100. doubletap_speed
  101. mouse_sensitivity_y
  102. mouse_sensitivity_x
  103. lookstrafe
  104. lookspring
  105. freelook


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